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New Control Panel is Live | StatusHub


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New Control Panel is Live

We are pleased to announce that the new control panel version is now live for new trials and accounts. And we will continue to transition existing customers, we will be making contact directly to confirm details and timelines.

We want to say thank you to everyone who participated in development and testing. Over the years we have gathered feedback and ideas for StatusHub to make it more intuitive and user-friendly. In the new control panel, we were able to implement significant improvements and we will continue to refine it going forward.

Now, because of the clean navigation, you have better access to all quick actions like creating incidents or maintenance events from the hub overview page. And the process of managing incident communication is even more clear and effective.

StatusHub control panel - Overview

We’ve already shared some changes and previews in previous blog posts, but here is the list of the most important ones:

  • The overview and settings for the connected hubs;

  • Improved navigation;

  • Subscriber section;

  • Team members section.

From our side, there are many more possibilities for adding new features and improving the current ones based on our customer’s feedback.

Here is the link for the new help docs: StatusHub Knowledge Base. If you have any questions or feedback please contact us.

SMS credits quota change

Please note - we have made changes to the SMS credit quotas in our pricing plans. This is due to price increases from our SMS partners. The changes are:

  • Basic plan - 750 to 600

  • Standard plan - 1,500 to 1,200

  • Premium plan - 6,000 to 5,600

  • Enterprise plan - 25,000 to 23,600

To experience the best tools for efficient and flexible communication during incidents and maintenance events, start a free trial with StatusHub today.

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