
StatusHub Integration


StatusGator is a service aggregating data from other services status pages. StatusHub is built to communicate issues and incidents to your users and customers. Linking these systems allows your technical team to take advantage of automation and save time. Seconds and minutes become precious during unexpected incidents.


StatusGator aggregates status pages. It monitors the status pages of all the services you use, then aggregates them into a single status page that you can share with your team.


After setting up the direct integration between your StatusGator account and your StatusHub account, StatusHub will actively listen for updates. When StatusHub detects an issue it will then automatically create an incident report and post it to your StatusHub as an incident or draft, so StatusHub users then can review and decide if the problem reported by StatusGator indeed affects their end users and should be published.


Technical Overview of StatusGator Integration with StatusHub

StatusGator allows subscribing to multiple products and companies called Services. Most StatusGator Services have the ability to create per Component subscription but not all. Examples of StatusGator Service with per-Component granularity: AWS, Mailgun Example of StatusGator Service without per-Component granularity: StatusHub.

A StatusGator user is able to create WebHook notification by providing an endpoint URL to which StatusGator will send status changes. However there is just one WebHook per StatusGator account so if a user has subscribed to multiple products, updates for those products will be sent to the same URL. That URL can be set as the integration URL for a StatusHub service allowing StatusHub to create incidents when StatusGator triggers events.

Check how StatusHub works for you and your end users!